VIRGO – VIRGIN August 22 to September 22


This is the sign of analysis. Under it are found some of the most capable and yet most difficult personalities in the entire zodiac. The governing planet, Mercury, may be the cause of this, for it supplies quickness to a nature which could well afford to be more deliberate and given to deeper purposes. Added to the keen Virgo mind, it produces good reasoners and conducing talkers, though they are apt to spend too much time over trifling details and also to talk a subject dry.


Virgo people have inquiring minds that will not rest until they have leaked all they want to know bout something. They are skilled at drawing information from people, then filling in from other sources or rationalizing facts into a complete and remarkably accurate picture. Often they pick up essential data without anyone realizing what they are about


Along with keen analysis, they have remarkable memories, otherwise they could not form the exact comparisons that they do. They have prolific memories, seem to retain all that they read, and have the ability to express it in new and elaborated form. Their analytical ability causes them to find fault with people and projects, and while their purpose is generally constructive, they are often regarded both as over-curious and too critical. This is unfortunate as it causes misunderstandings and lost opportunities.


Order and harmony are essential to the Virgo minds. Therefore, Virgo people should simplify their lives and purposes, or they will bog down under a mass of detail that their exacting minds cannot ignore. The less little things to bother them, the greater their capacity for higher aims. Virgo people are usually tolerant, but once blind to their own faults, they may become even more opinionated than those whom they criticize.


Imagination rules the Virgo mind, making them fearful of accidents, illness, and financial problems. They are sensitive to pain and any kind of suffering, which makes them superficially sympathetic to persons who experience misfortune. Actually, they are anxious to dismiss misery from their minds. Their mental quickness, their ability to concentrate on some other subject, can aid them to shake off any morbid spells. But unless they do so, they will fall victims to their own imagination.


Usually, Virgo people are alert, hard-working; and given to intellectual pursuits. They depend upon their ego as a driving force, but should show the same understanding of others that they expect for themselves. In short, they should never become self-centered, or they may resort to deceit, double-dealing, and other crafty devices to attain what they regard as a justifiable goal. Usually, they can rise above such faults, once they are aware of them, for they have great self-control if they will only exercise it. Defeat only stirs them to new purposes and their minds are quick to envision coming success.


In business, Virgo people are suited to special lines, where their quick minds see new opportunities or productive deals. They are good at analyzing business conditions and market trends. They become good writers, editors, lawyers, professors, because they size up things quickly and apply them ingeniously. Many become architects or designers. As actors, lecturers, and showmen they must overcome their self-consciousness to succeed. The same often applies in salesmanship.


Virgo’s analytical ability teams well with Leo’s exuberance, where a business partnership is concerned. Virgo also gains much from Libra’s judgment and intuition; but here, Virgo may chafe under restraint. Virgo also does well with Pisces; and sometimes Scorpio. In fact, Virgo gets along in business with nearly every other sign; but many of them are apt to gain far more from the Virgo person than they give in return. Therefore, Virgo people must be very careful in choice of business associates.


Marriage presents problems for Virgo, because of the exacting, fault-finding, and sometimes demanding nature evidenced by this sign. One of the best marital combinations for Virgo is with another of the same sign, as each may understand the other’s critical moods. Virgo should find great happiness with Pisces; while Aries, Taurus, and Capricorn should prove compatible. Virgo and Libra should be helpful to each other, but their strong minds too often come in conflict, making this a dubious combination.

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