
Identifying these requires considerable skill and careful comparison of different persons. Overhang of brows is not the only gauge; if brows are well forward from the ears, perceptive faculties are regarded as large.

35. Individuality: Above the eyes, on the line between. When developed, shows keen observation with ability to individualize or particularize on data thus gained, so other faculties can form ideas. Excessive development, a prying, inquisitive nature. Deficiency, a poor observer, who must focus attention.

36. Form: Between the eyes, at each side; when developed, the eyes seem wide apart. Good memory of faces, diagrams, and objects. Excessive development shows annoyance at any lack of harmonious form. Deficiency, poor memory of shapes: no ability at drawing or describing objects.

37. Size: Higher and outward. When developed, it shows recognition of proportions, in objects and measurement. Excessive development, constant urge for unnecessary comparisons. Deficiency, no recognition of proportions or distance.

38. weight: The next area in order. Developed, shows good balance and ability to judge weights. Excessive development often shows a love of high altitudes. Deficiency denotes awkwardness and lack of balance or poise.

39. Color: Developed, a natural memory for colors and shades, with joy in blending them. Excessive development, sensitivity toward clashing colors. Deficiency shows little interest in colors; perhaps color-blindness.

40. Order: Developed, shows good planning, systematic procedure, a neat, well-regulated nature. Excessive development shows a fussy trend, waste of time in trivial planning and rearrangements, annoyance at persons who are less exacting. Deficiency, lack of method or regularity, generally untidy, even chaotic.

41. Calculation: Farthest out from the middle line, carrying beyond the eyes. Developed, the sign of a mathematical mind, quick at figures and mental summaries. Excessive development may show an interest in figures to the exclusion of all else. Deficiency indicates poor memory for figures, inability or distaste for even simple additions, and trouble in balancing accounts.

42. Locality: Placed higher than individuality and on each side of it. When developed, this shows the urge for travel, quick adjustment to new surroundings, and the ability to remember places. Excessive development shows an urge for exploration often for its own sake. Deficiency indicates poor memory for places and little interest in new scenes.

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