Category Archives: ASTROLOGY




Ruling Planet: Saturn


First Decan: December 22 — January 1.


Planet: Jupiter


Most of the characteristics of this period conform closely to the description of the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn, since the planetary influences are identical. However, those born in the first five days (December 22 – 26) are more strongly Jupiterian. They are very dependable, fair-minded, and of the highest integrity, making the most of their scholarly attainments. Those born later put greater stress on study and are more limited in outlook, with a greater tendency to worry over the future.




Ruling Planet: Jupiter


First Decan: November 22 — December 1.


Planet: Mercury


This is generally an excellent period as the optimistic, purposeful Jupiterian nature brings out the best in Mercury. Quickness and aptitude are applied to learning, but often of a practical, scientific type rather than the academic sort. Keen, quiet thinking and careful preparation of plans characterize this period. Being on the cusp, with the influence of Mars still present, such planning will result in action.

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