Category Archives: CUSPS




February 18 to 26


The humane sign of Aquarius, with its scholarly planet, Saturn, lends a helpful influence to the modest nature of Pisces, giving it special attributes that befit the dignity of its governing planet, Jupiter. Though people born in this sign are changeable, that helps to curb their over-caution, stirring them to firm decisions.


They make allowances for people as well as circumstances, returning good for evil until they feel that the time has come for a proper accounting. Then they come out well, unless they have let themselves become embittered during the waiting process. Often they win esteem through their patience and become very popular without realizing it.




January 19 to 26


This is a curious cusp, because the same planet, Saturn, rules each of the two signs. Far from being baleful, this can prove very helpful, for it rounds out the planetary influence, producing a powerful intellectuality which can cope with almost anything except its own forebodings; and even those can be pitted against one another.


The Aquarian interest in people should be furthered to the utmost, with avoidance of the solitude found both in Aquarius and Capricorn, for such a double dose means almost sure gloom. The self-consciousness of Capricorn, understandable to itself, can prove a serious drag on the Aquarian disposition. However, the self-reliance of Capricorn can strengthen Aquarius.

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