
The next and most quickly spotted “at a glance” is the “writing angle” or the slant of a person’s penmanship. This feature, however, calls for special study, as many small variations are noticed when writing is studied closely.


A “Key chart” or “graphometer” can be used to measure the different angles of writing, and specimens of each type are given here. Their significance is as follows:



Some experts claim that this style literally represents the past in a person’s life showing someone who thinks in the same backward style. With some, it shows a suppressed nature, a fear of facing the world and its problems. With others, it shows a cold, self-sufficient personality, with very little regard toward people generally.



This is a simple, straight up and down style. It, too, shows a selfish nature, with an absolute indifference to surroundings. However, this is also a self-exacting type, showing an analytical mind. Such people, though deliberate, often replace their lack of emotion with sincerity and dependability. They recognize obligations and prove good friends and interesting companions.



Many people adopt this slant through convenience or sheer force of habit, but that tells a story in itself. It consists of a slight tilt to the right. This shows a natural, easygoing disposition, a person inclined to accept things as they are, with a cordial feeling toward other people. There is nothing artificial in the nature of such a writer, and these people are generally quite friendly.



Here we find a generous, sensitive nature, the person always anxious to make others happy, sometimes forming a career out of just that. People with this style of writing always are reaching forward, looking for some future happiness, hoping to share it with loved ones.


As a result, they are sentimental, easily preyed upon, and occasionally lacking in will power, particularly if it interferes with the expression of some emotion. These are the kindliest of persons and deserve appreciation Therefore they should be guided by those they trust.



This exaggerated slant to the right shows the high-strung person, who never reasons anything and is so sensitive that he becomes a victim of his own imagination, rising to anger on the slightest provocation. Be very careful with people of such intense natures, even when you analyze their handwriting for them. Often, they will not believe how excited they become.



Depending upon how variable they are, mixed angles in a person’s writing can be the worst sign of all. At least there is some consistency in all the regular types, but a helter-skelter writing indicates a nature in perpetual conflict with itself.


Fortunately, this mixed type seldom goes to complete extremes in its angles, or it would represent a totally unpredictable, utterly scatterbrained personality. Usually it varies between one slope and the vertical, showing indecision in the traits they represent.


When it slopes both backward and forward, this writing shows a wishful yet almost hopeless temperament, a person unable to recognize his own shortcomings. Such people must train themselves to make decisions.

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