This may be used instead of actual dice, when seeking answers to questions. It consists of a chart of twenty-one squares or units, each one containing one of the twenty-one possible combinations of dice. Lay the chart flat, take a pencil, and close your eyes while you place the pencil point on a square at random. The dice combination depicted on that square is used to find the answer, using the proper list, just as when rolling a pair of dice.


Somewhat significantly, the divinatory qualities of dice have gained some credence through modern parapsychology tests wherein persons have successfully “willed” a certain number to appear most often over an extended series of “throws” made with a group of dice. Therefore:


In theory, at least, it would be possible for a “Dice diviner” to take a random question, choose the best answer through clairvoyance, and apply a psychokinetic force to make the dice come up with the number or combination required. The same would apply in varying degree with the “mystic oracle.”


It is doubtful, however, that the average consultant would take it that seriously or have the ability to carry it that far. The preferable course is to treat it all in a spirit of good fun. But if results go beyond chance expectations, don’t be surprised!

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