This is a brief but sometimes pointed method of prognostication that should be interpreted strictly in terms of the consultant’s own interests in order to be most effective. Don’t expect the cards to come up with something totally out of character, but count on them to answer something close at hand or already in mind.


That way, this will prove a very useful system that can be repeated at fairly frequent intervals, particularly after one prediction has been at least partially fulfilled.


Thirteen cards are used, but they are laid in cross rows of seven each, so that any bad luck may be offset by good. However, luck will be seen in the cards themselves as soon as they are dealt face up.


Before the deal, you must decide upon the consultants card, which we will suppose in this case is the king of spades, representing a consultant with dark hair and dark eyes. We will assume that he is either happily married or is planning matrimony and that he is ambitious or engaged in a reasonably profitable business.


Hence the cards will be studied in those terms, and the first to look for is the consultants own card, which is always a good sign if it appears among the mystic thirteen. Aces also have special significance, but are detrimental, particularly if more than one appears.


The presence of the consultant’s K S is helpful, and the absence of aces is equally favorable, as it means that any luck will hold. Next, you note the center card, because it has a bearing on both rows. In this case it is the 7 C, which is a very lucky card, if properly accompanied.


To learn its full status, you first read the vertical row from top to bottom; then the three cards at the left, which modify the fortune for good or bad; and finally, the three at the right, which may provide the unexpected.


The interpretation follows:


Since the consultants card appears (K S) conditions favor his plans and he may be luckier than he would ordinarily suppose(7 C). Reading downward, he will meet opposition(2 C) which he may already anticipate, but the presence of his own card (K S) shows that he is quite capable of handling it, and should ignore any aid offered by a false or incapable friend (J S). He can count on luck (7 C) and can rely on the loyalty or intuition of his wife or sweetheart (Q H) to help him attain his great wish or long-sought ambition(9 H). The 5 C confirms this as it promises a happy and prosperous marriage.


If above the center, the “wish card” (9 H) would almost automatically gain fulfillment, but toward the bottom it is shaky and therefore doubtful. Working in from the left, quarrels can be expected (4 D) and may delay the great success promised by the next card (2 H), but the balance Will be swung in the consultant’s favor (10 H), and perhaps through some great surprise.


Working in from the right, the consultant should realize that he is being imposed upon (6 H) and that his domestic happiness may be long delayed (3 C) or even broken up through further quarrels (3 D). By referring back to the full significance of these cards, you will readily see how greatly their interpretation hinges on the consultant’s existing status.


If young and so far uncommitted as to his future, he may be at the parting of the ways, with everything pointing toward the best for all concerned. But if older and with much at stake, he may be threatened with personal disappoints that might outweigh achievement of delayed ambition.

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