1.44 MARS

MARS – Ruler of the signs Aries and Scorpio


Physical drive and energy are basic in the planetary influence of Mars. There is no stopping the Martian nature, which can be brave to the point of becoming foolhardy, unless tempered by other influences. It gives aggressiveness to the signs where it predominates: Aries and Scorpio.


Fortunately, the Martian influence can be diverted. With it, attainment of an immediate goal is so important that other purposes can be shelved. Here is a fighting instinct that knocks down all obstacles, small and large. Keep them small when they do not matter; large, when they are important, and you have the ultimate in Martian development.


Sports, adventure, love of outdoor life all are found in the Martian personality. Travel, military affairs, any form of new and virile experience appeals to those who come under this influence. Skill and mechanical ability are part of the Martian setup; and as natural Concomitants, honesty and reliability go into such a nature. Such are the positive aspects.


In contrast, the Martian influence can breed impatience, savagery, boastfulness, and a tendency toward useless, wasteful combat. Action is just another word for Mars, in the full sense of the term. In order to obtain it, persons swayed by this influence may become destructive. When they are prone to envy, nothing can stop their rash, impetuous nature, except their own power of reason which fortunately is strong and therefore helpful.


Physically, the typical Martian is well above average size and strength. Some are tall, but others are stocky, oversized in bulk. Their faces are usually broad and strong-jawed, their physique heavy. They are both bold and gallant in manner, when intelligent and cultured; otherwise they may be coarse and cruel.


Mars controls the signs of Aries and Scorpio. To both of these it supplies impulse, but they must seek elsewhere for foresight, which is the, one faculty lacking in the Martian nature. Chiefly on that account, the influence of Mars is unfavorable and must be greater tempered to turn its iron will into fine steel.

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