Category Archives: ASTROLOGY


May 20-June 20


Adaptability is the keynote of this sign. Gemini people are not only versatile, they are quick to grasp situations and will act on the spur of the moment, often very effectively. The governing planet, Mercury, is a strong factor in the “Act now, explain later” policy so prevalent with this sign; but Gemini persons are so naturally adaptable to any turn of affairs, that they frequently come up with the answers during the course of action.


Duality of nature is a concomitant of the Twin sign, and while cases of split personality are comparatively rare, the Gemini mind runs to contradictions. When they go to such extremes, they manage to make their policy sound plausible, at least to their own satisfaction. As well as being imaginative, they are generous, and affectionate; but their frequent desire for a change makes them dissatisfied with existing conditions.



April 20 – May 19

Strength is the predominating feature of the sign. With it, however, there is a stubborn, firm-set nature that is difficult to change. The governing planet, Venus, emotional and fraught with primitive urge, furthers these Taurian trends rather than repressing them. At the same time, it accounts for the sympathetic side of this strong-willed nature. Taurus people are won over through emotion, rather than by reason.


Taurus persons are opportunists, but they take what comes along, rather than go after it. They absorb ideas and retain them, due to the remarkable memory so often found with persons of this sign. Being practical-minded, they plan ahead and usually carry their purposes through to a finish. By then, they regard any ideas that they have borrowed as being something all their own.

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