MERCURY Ruler of the signs Gemini and Virgo


Here is a planetary influence so marked in contrasts that it is often unpredictable, though its attributes and faults can always be noted. It shows skill, quick observation, and ability to talk convincingly. Often, the Mercurian influence produces a clever nature and commercial ability. It stands for swift action and indicates a convincing speaker. Mercurians think fasts act fast, and talk fast. Given a dash of superficial knowledge, they can make it look like intellectual attainment. They are adaptable to almost any circumstances or conditions.


Such are the positive aspects of this planetary influence, positive aspects from the standpoint of the Mercurian himself, since he stands to profit thereby. It is how these natural abilities are applied that marks the good or bad in the Mercurian. When engaged in cooperative, worthwhile efforts, these traits are strongly positive. But if the “go ahead” is put into “reverse,” negative aspects appear.


Skill becomes cunning; cleverness is turned into deceit. Convincing speech takes the form of glib talk. Their adaptability enables them to “get by” with little or no effort and to further their own purposes at the expense of others. Schemers and gamblers are prevalent among Mercurians, for when they once begin to take advantage of their friends and acquaintances, it can become a regular habit.


Even the best of Mercurians are apt to make deals or resort to subterfuge; and conversely, the worst are not always too bad. They all have the tendency to “give and take” and it is


preponderance of “give” or “take” that marks the demarcation between the positive and negative aspects of this planetary influence.


Physically, Mercurians are apt to be under average height, but their stature, as well as their general appearance, may vary according to other planetary influences, as Mercurians are very susceptible to outside conditions. They are usually youthful in appearance, generally personable, and frequently handsome. They are sound and sometimes strong of physique; and they are both brisk and witty in manner.


Mercury activates the signs of Gemini and Virgo, being responsible for their basic traits; but as already specified, these vary according to the purposes of the individual and are very responsive to other planetary influences. Mercury, therefore, is one planet whose influence can be regarded as both favorable and Unfavorable.

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